Travel Forecast

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Travel Forecast?

Travel Forecast gives weather forecasts and past weather data for cruise places. It helps you plan your trips better.

How do I search for cruise weather?

You can search for cruise weather using the search bar on our homepage. Type in the cruise line or place to get the latest weather information.

Can I access past weather data?

Yes, Travel Forecast gives past weather data for different cruise places. You can find this information through our search feature.

Where does Travel Forecast get its weather data?

Travel Forecast gets its weather data from Visual Crossing, a weather data provider. They offer past weather data, current conditions, and weather forecasts. Our forecasts are available for up to 15 days ahead.

How often is the weather data updated?

The weather data has an updated field that shows when it was last updated and a source field that tells the type of weather data it is.

How can I tell if I'm looking at a forecast or past weather?

The source field tells the type of weather data you are viewing. For example, "Forecast" means a forecast based on 15-day models, while "Observational" means past observations from weather stations.

Here are the possible values for the source field:

Is Travel Forecast free to use?

Yes, Travel Forecast is free to use. We aim to provide accurate and up-to-date weather information to help you plan your cruises.

How can I contact Travel Forecast?

You can contact us via email at